by ben chinn | Jun 12, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Behar Behalosecha can be found here. Parshas Behalosecha
by ben chinn | Jun 12, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Behar Naso can be found here. Parshas Naso
by ben chinn | May 27, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Behar Bamidbar can be found here. Parshas Bamidbar
by ben chinn | May 21, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Behar Bechukosai can be found here. Parshas Behar Bechukosai
by ben chinn | May 14, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Emor can be found here. Parshas Emor
by ben chinn | May 7, 2017 | Weekly Dvar Torah
The Shul Dvar Torah for Parshas Acherei Mos/ Kedoshim can be found here. Parshas Acherei Mos/ Kedoshim